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MCK & Co. 

We are a boutique chartered accounting firm in West Perth specialising in business, financial and tax advice for small to medium sized business and high net worth individuals. We are passionate about helping you achieve your ambitions, grow your business and keep you informed and in compliance with the complex nature of taxation laws and regulations. At MCK & Co we believe in adhering to the highest standard of professionalism, providing careful and expert business and accounting services in order to assist you in achieving your goals.  Our company culture is centred on building strong, ongoing relationships with you and are committed to protecting your long-term interests and maximising your business potential.

Compliance Services

  • Income tax returns

  • Financial Statements preparation

  • Business Activity Statements

  • Fringe Benefit Tax Returns

  • ASIC Annual Compliance

Business and Advisory

  • Business Planning & Growth Advice

  • Strategic Reviews

  • Establishment and or Revision of Structures

  • Corporate structuring advice and setup

  • Exit Strategies – helping you sell your business asset if and when it comes time

  • Accounting system implementation

  • Analysing your business performance

Self-Managed Superannuation Funds

  • SMSF Administration and Accounting

  • SMSF Tax and Compliance

  • Pension Administration

  • Annual Independent Audit (through a third party independent audit firm)

Tax Planning and advice

  • Income Tax Law and Strategies

  • Fringe Benefits Tax

  • Goods & Services Tax

  • Capital Gains Tax

  • Payroll Tax

  • Estate planning -advice and assistance in respect of retirement planning, wills, trusts and estate asset management.


  • Australian business expanding off-shore

    • GST Considerations

    • Double Tax Considerations

    • Transfer Pricing Rules

    • Government Grants

  • Foreign Business expanding into Australia

    • Legal Structure and corporate compliance

    • Transfer Pricing Rules

    • Thin Capitalisation

    • Accounting and back-office functions

    • Double Tax Considerations

Our Directors
Glenn Bourke, Director
Carol Kingston, Director

Glenn has over thirty years of experience in chartered accounting providing financial management, accounting and tax advisory services to Australian and international businesses.

Clients have included growing family and unlisted SMEs, managed investment trusts, AFSL companies, Australian branches of foreign companies, start-ups (including technology companies) and superannuation funds.

Glenn has extensive experience in manufacturing, engineering, retail, financial services, professional services, hospitality, entertainment, biotech, tech start-ups and property development sectors.

Responsibilities have included:


  • Compiling annual financial accounts for domestic and international SMEs in accordance with IFRS requirements.

  • Attend to tax compliance obligations in relation to income tax, superannuation (including SMSF), fringe benefits tax, GST, PAYG withholding, research and development, payroll tax, stamp duty and tax authority audits.

  • Develop strategic tax advice in relation to establishing and winding up business groups, structure the acquisition and sale of businesses transaction, formulate estate and succession plans and structure employee remuneration (including share plans).

  • Complete due diligence of businesses, valuations, investigating accountants’ reports, expert reports, prospectuses, information memorandums and project feasibility assessments.

  • Restructure the financial management and operations of businesses to improve profitability and cash flow performance.

  • Prepare finance submissions and negotiate with financiers.

  • Compile board management reports, three way forecasts/budgets, business plans etc.

  • Regular meetings with clients to formulate and review business strategy and performance.

Carol has over thirty years of experience in chartered accounting providing financial management, accounting and tax advisory services to Australian businesses.

Clients have included growing family and unlisted SMEs and estates.

Carol has extensive experience in manufacturing, engineering, retail, financial services, professional services, hospitality, entertainment, aquaculture, land remediation and primary producers.

Responsibilities have included:


  • Compiling annual financial accounts for domestic SMEs in accordance with IFRS requirements.

  • Attend to tax compliance obligations in relation to income tax, fringe benefits tax, GST, PAYG withholding, research and development, payroll tax, stamp duty and tax authority audits.

  • Assisting clients and their staff with software systems setups and implementing best practices.

  • Develop strategic tax advice in relation to establishing and winding up business groups, structure the acquisition and sale of businesses transaction, formulate estate and succession plans.

  • Complete due diligence of businesses, valuations and investigating accountants’ reports.

  • Restructure the financial management and operations of businesses to improve profitability and cash flow performance.

  • Regular meetings with clients to formulate and review business strategy and performance.

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.

© 2018 by MCK & Co.

Liability Limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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